Saturday, September 5, 2009

Crimson Fists vs Shadow Marines

Annihilation – Spearhead

Crimson Fists List
Captain – Relic Blade, Storm Shield
Librarian – Avenger, Force Dome
Tactical Squad – 10man, meltagun, plasma cannon, power fist, razorback w/Heavy bolter
Tactical Squad – 10man, meltagun, plasma cannon, power fist, razorback w/Lascannon
Tactical Squad – 10man, flamer, Missile Launcher, Power Weapon, Rhino
Predator – Autocannon, lascannons
Vindicator – siege shield
Devastator squad –10man, Missile Launcher (x4), Rhino

Shadow Marines List (or something like this)
Captain – Artificer Armour, Pair of Lightning claws
Vanguard Squad – 10man
Sternguard Squad – 10man, Drop Pod
Terminator Squad – Assault Cannon
Tactical Squad – 10man, Missile Launcher
Tactical Squad – 10man, Meltagun, Power Fist, Meltabombs

Shadow Marines deploy first, vanguard trying to hide behind a building, one tactical squad on the right flank and another trying to get cover from the trees in the middle.

Crimson Fists deploy with lots of tanks, vindicator flanked by razorbacks cover the right side with a combat squad and a HQ in each. Devastators camp on a hill with another combat squad with the last squad finding cover in a ruin. Rhino’s and predator cover the left flank.

Turn 1 – Shadow Marines go First
Drop pod lands directly behind my vindicator, but scattered close to the edge. We argued about whether it was a mishap or not, but we settled on not (but we put a house rule in that if he knocked it off then it counted as destroyed, which happened fairly quickly, but we caught it before it hit the floor) Sternguard exploded the vindicator and it didn’t even manage to hit them with any flaming debris. Everything moved up, with the middle tactical squad moving into the trees to gain cover.

Combat squads got out of the razorbacks and the librarian had a prime position for his avenger power. Rhinos move out along the left flank. Shooting phase proved productive, killed 9 on the Sternguard with a combination of avenger, 2 meltaguns and bolt pistols. Took casualties in most other units, but my plasma cannons over heated. The tactical squad on the right flank took 4 wounds to bolter fire (youngy just couldn’t roll more than a 2). Wiped out the last Sternguard in combat with ease.

Turn 2
Vanguard keep moving up the left side as with the tactical squad on the right. His meltagun seemed to have the safety on, cause he rolled a 2 for penetration and failed to hurt a razorback. Missile launcher did the same on a rhino.

Plasma cannon fire took out a few vanguard, along with lascannon fire. The devastator squad with frag missiles proved very effective, reducing the squad hiding in the trees down to 4 men. The razorbacks were remounted and slowly moved up the right.

Turn 3
Vanguard close in on an empty rhino, which they later destroy in the assault phase. Tactical squad gets within 6” of the razorback and manages to penetrate it, but rolled immobilised result. They then decide to assault it, power fist penetrated it twice, but another two 1’s. It wasn’t youngy’s day.

Librarian and squad get out of razorback and repeat the tactic used before, leaving only 2 guys. Bolter fire and meltaguns bring down the last 2. The predator decided to make a move for a better vantage point cause it couldn’t see anything and the plasma cannons failed to hit anything due to scatter.

Turn 4
Terminators arrive this turn and were so close to scattering off the board. Missile launchers fail to glance my rhino… again. I think youngy will use his own dice next game :-p. Vanguard hide behind the rhino so I can’t actually see them.

Devastators have another bunch of fun with frag missiles, killing a terminator. Predator couldn’t hurt anything due to cover. Moved up the librarian to take care of the few marines hiding in the trees, which didn’t take long.

Turn 5
Terminators move for a better vantage point, were they killed 2 marines due to assault cannon fire.
Vanguard make a run for it, but youngy decided to use unit coherency to the max, measuring the 2” between every model so my blasts don’t hurt as much.

The right flank started to move over to the left as fast as they could, hitching rides and running as far as they could. Plasma cannon squad tries to create a diversion for the vanguard, but rolled miserably and only got 4” even with running, which by coincidence was right in the way of my guys. Took down 2 to frag missiles and plasma, while the predator took out two terminators. The razorback took out another, leaving only one man.

Turn 6
The Captain left the squad to deal with the remanent combat squad while the vanguard found more cover. The last terminator moved over to my rhino and immobilised it. The Captain took care of the squad very quickly and then joined back up with the vanguard.

The squad in the rhino jumped out and brought down the last terminator due to a torrent of fire. Frag missiles, plasma cannons and predator took out the vanguard while the librarian kept running for the captain.

Turn 7
The captain makes a last ditch effort to do some damage, assaulting the predator but only causing stunned results with his meltabombs.

The librarian move up, cast force dome and charged the captain (who was only on 1 wound, but I can’t remember were he lost them) captain got 4 wounds on the librarian trying to get a kill point, but I rolled three 6’s and a 4 for my saves. Still alive the librarian retaliated and took off his final wound.

Crimson Fists win (7 - 2)

Not youngy’s best game, but a lot of fun. I made him a promise that I would play with his dice next time as we even the score. We also had a chat about an upcoming 1000pt doubles tourney. I made my list and we looked at what we should get for his. Something along the lines of Assault termies and chaplain in a land raider.

Great fun youngy, and you can have a rematch next club meet.

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