Sunday, June 28, 2009

Double Time

I have just become aware of another tourney not that far from were i live. Their club is associated with ours and some of their guys come and play on a regular basis. Me and a friend thought it would be good to visit other clubs, and as members of the committee who better than us. So were going to go down there on the 11th and play a 1500pt tourney. But it has to be all painted so i've gota get my butt into action. Here's my list.

Chapter Master 170pts
- Relic Blade
- Storm Shield

Tactical Squad 205pts
- 10 Man
- Flamer
- Missile Launcher
- Rhino

Tactical Squad 220pts
- 10 Man
- Flamer
- Missile Launcher
- Power Weapon
- Rhino

Tactical Squad 230pts
- 10 Man
- Flamer
- Missile Launcher
- Power Fist
- Rhino

Tactical Squad 200pts
- 10 Man
- Plasma Gun
- Plasma Cannon
- Plasma Pistol

Devastator Squad 230pts
- 10 Man
- 4x Missile Launchers

Vindicator 125pts
- Siege Shield

Predator 120pts
- Autocannon
- 2x Lascannons

Total: 1500/1500pts

Orders Recieved, Sir!

I've just got back from an awesome holiday in queensland and discovered that i had a nice fat parcel from wayland games sitting on my door step. I had also decided to add the Masters of the Chapter to my order cause they were so cheap.

So i spent the day after/today building and painting my vindi. I've almost finished it, but i will go back later and do weathering and battle damage.

I've also built 3 of my Masters, but i'm leaving the master of the ordnance until i get another assault squad box. Then i'll convert him so he had 2 power fists. I'm also planning to get a box of Sword brethren and using the one with lightning claws to make another master. Now i have enough to make my 1000pt list. Going to try and get that finished by our clubs next meet.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Online Orders

I finally made a decision on which list i wanted to take. I'm going with the Predator and the Vindicator. I just finished testing this on Vassal and it worked awesome, taking out all of his death company, his Drop Pod, but failing to get his dread, damned scatter dice. But it was so much fun and it didn't take a scratch all game.

After that game i bought some Magnets (3mmx1.5mmx100) from Aussie Magnets, as well as a Vindicator from Wayland Games. I just hope it arrives when i'm home because we're going away these holidays so it should be fun.

I think i got a good bargain for the vindi, $41.43, which is a lot better than the $69 that GW sell it for on their site. So i hope to get it built, with magnets, before out next club meet.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

1000pt List

We have a local tourney coming up, so i've got to design a new list. I've got a couple of ideas so far, but am looking for some constructive criticism.

Commander 145pts
- Relic Blade
- Storm Bolter

Tactical Squad 220pts
- Flamer
- Missile Launcher
- Power Weapon
- Rhino

Tactical Squad 205pts
- Flamer
- Missile Launcher
- Rhino

Tactical Squad 185pts
- Plasma Gun
- Plasma Cannon

And TWO of the following, either

Predator 120pts
- Autocannon
- 2x Lascannon


Land Speeder 60pts
- Multi-melta

Land Speeder 60pts
- Multi-melta


Vindicator 125pts
- Demolisher Cannon
- Seige Shield


All i need to complete this list is the commander, i've been stuck using the AoBR captain for the time being, and the vindicator. But i'm going to be a linebreaker squadron soon so i'll be able to field any of the lists.

C&C welcome.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Starting Things Off

Well it seems like a blog is a good idea. As you can probably tell, i collect Crimson Fists. But i've got to get all of my army done by the end of the year for an apoc game with a friend, who plays space marines. We're aiming at 4500pts, but depending on how much i get finished will decide the points we play.

I also have another friend that is going to make both of us warhound titans to play with. Which will take the game up to 5000pts.

I know that my friend is going to field mainly veteran troops, which he includes in his own company (3 tact squads, 1 devastator squad, 1 assault squad, 1 terminator squad, 2 vanguard squads, 2 sternguard squads). He also has his own special character which he has reincarnated for every version of books, 4th ed, 5th ed rules, 5th ed codex and i expect him to be very overpowered. He'll also be carrying the legion relic.

My army will consist of the following, cutting things off the bottom if i don't get them finished in time. My friend hates the fact that kantor gives everything within 12" +1 attack, so i'm going to make full use of this, getting him to come to me as he is more assault orientated, but slow moving.
Normal Units
- Pedro Kantor
- Librarian
- Dreadnought
- Dreadnought
- Dreadnought
Battle Company
- Commander
- Command Squad
- Chaplain
- 6x Tactical Squads
- 6x Rhinos
- 2x Devastator Squads
- 2x Assault Squads
Line Breaker Squadron - 3x Vindicators w/Seige Shields
Predator Assasin Squadron - 3x Predators w/2x Lascannons, autocannon
Warhound Titan - If my friend gets it finished in time.

Cheers, Cypher