Sunday, June 7, 2009

Starting Things Off

Well it seems like a blog is a good idea. As you can probably tell, i collect Crimson Fists. But i've got to get all of my army done by the end of the year for an apoc game with a friend, who plays space marines. We're aiming at 4500pts, but depending on how much i get finished will decide the points we play.

I also have another friend that is going to make both of us warhound titans to play with. Which will take the game up to 5000pts.

I know that my friend is going to field mainly veteran troops, which he includes in his own company (3 tact squads, 1 devastator squad, 1 assault squad, 1 terminator squad, 2 vanguard squads, 2 sternguard squads). He also has his own special character which he has reincarnated for every version of books, 4th ed, 5th ed rules, 5th ed codex and i expect him to be very overpowered. He'll also be carrying the legion relic.

My army will consist of the following, cutting things off the bottom if i don't get them finished in time. My friend hates the fact that kantor gives everything within 12" +1 attack, so i'm going to make full use of this, getting him to come to me as he is more assault orientated, but slow moving.
Normal Units
- Pedro Kantor
- Librarian
- Dreadnought
- Dreadnought
- Dreadnought
Battle Company
- Commander
- Command Squad
- Chaplain
- 6x Tactical Squads
- 6x Rhinos
- 2x Devastator Squads
- 2x Assault Squads
Line Breaker Squadron - 3x Vindicators w/Seige Shields
Predator Assasin Squadron - 3x Predators w/2x Lascannons, autocannon
Warhound Titan - If my friend gets it finished in time.

Cheers, Cypher

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