Monday, July 27, 2009

Last Dread Finished and Orders Away

Well overall i'm very happy with this model, but if i could fix one thing, it would be the face plate. I couldn't get the old paint out of the crevasses without ruining the detail so i had to leave it.

Highlighting this model was fun as it slowly looked more and more real after every layer. I think the thing that makes it look the best is the base, don't ask me why, i didn't even spend that much time or effort on it either. I might go back and make it look better later, but for now i'm happy.

I have now finished all the dreads that i need for my apoc game with youngy. I will now be focusing on tanks as i just sent another, rather big, order off to wayland games. I'll be painting a rhino and 3 razorbacks rather soon and painting tanks in general is so much fun. Their quick, easy and look so much better than infantry.


  1. I disagree!! Infantry can look much better, with a lot of effort and time put into them.

  2. Just cause you have footslogers :-p

    I still think tanks are better.
