Saturday, July 11, 2009

New Ideas

With the completion of one army, i think it's time for a new one. I'm going to make myself a drop pod army, using vulkan and a librarian to dish out the pain.

Commander Drakken (counts as Vulkan, but will make my own crimson fist character) 190pts
Librarian w/Avenger and Gate of Infinity 100pts

Tactical Squad w/Missile Launcher, Meltagun, Power Fist, Drop Pod 235pts
Tactical Squad w/Multi-Melta, Meltagun, Power Fist, Drop Pod w/Locator Beacon 245pts
Tactical Squad w/Missile Launcher, Flamer, Power Weapon, Drop Pod 220pts

Sternguard Squad w/Combi-Melta (x10), Power Fist, Drop Pod 360pts
Dreadnought w/Multi-Melta, Drop Pod w/Locator Beacon 150pts

My tactics:

If you get the choice, let the opponent go first and keep everything in reserve. Then if they have good targets (leman russ squadrons, Land Raiders, Transports with assault troops, monstrous creatures, bunched units) then drop in the Sternguard during your first turn, else a power fist tactical squad. Also drop in the dread and the power weapon squad, no matter what's on the table.

Drakken and Libby ride with sternguard, and split into all 4 units (2 combat squad and Independant characters) when they land. Sternguard use combi-meltas on 2 different tanks/squadrons, exploding anything they look at (unless you roll really, really crap). Then Drakken and libby use their templates to kill infantry, either others withing reach, or the occupants of the transport. If they just got out of the transport then they'll be bunched so you should hit almost all of them.

When dropping in the tactical squad in an objective mission, try to put two on the centre objective, combat squading and have them move for obectives. Put the last squad, either, on your own objective, or in the middle as well. The middle should give you the best range to hit almost everything with your multi-meltas and missile launchers.

I really like this list, and it worked over my mech list with ease. All i need is 5 drop pods and two squads of sternguard to finish it off (quick order from wayland should get that done for under $300), as i'll proxy the sternguard until i get enough to models for all of the combi-meltas.

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